Project Produce

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chickpea Broccoli Casserole

I used the broccoli and carrots from the box to make Vegan with a Vengeance's Chickpea Broccoli Casserole. I was concerned that it was going to be plain as the only seasoning involved is salt but it was suprisingly flavorful! I served it with a green salad using the box's lettuce, cucumber, and heirloom tomato. I fed the whole family (the kids ate it all!) and still had over 3/4's of it left!


Blogger Unknown said...

Good to hear the casserole was flavourful - I too noticed that salt was the only seasoning, and I worried it would be bland. Based on your blog entry, now I think I'll try it!

November 02, 2006 6:44 PM  
Blogger dollydlux said...

Yes- you should totally try it. It makes a huge amont though so maybe halve it if you aren't feeding a bunch of people. I didn't care for it cold though like Isa mentioned in the book. Let me know how you like it!

November 03, 2006 12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is by far the most delicious looking food I have ever seen. It makes it pretty tempting for me to go Vegan. Once you go Vegan you never go back? (god that was a lame joke) hahahaha. Im going to give the corn fritters a shot and move on from there. Then Im going to look for the Lentil Legume soup recipe (oh yea, and the hummus..mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm). Keep posting the good stuff that will make us live longer. I'll be back soon with my food critic hat on in order to post my food reviews (food reviews by a carnivore). I think you should also get a blog on food picture taking. You could put together a menu with those pictures. Did you make that black and red plate the cupcakes are on?

November 14, 2006 7:59 AM  
Blogger dollydlux said...

Thanks Bonami! You know, you can click on the pictures and make them even bigger.

November 14, 2006 11:29 AM  

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